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What Can We Control in 2018?

I have a lot of mixed feelings about 2017 and I suspect I am not alone. One thing that stood out for me was the lack of control I felt over my own destiny and that of my family. At every turn in starting my own business and living my life it seemed I was hustling to stay ahead and then someone was ill, or a lead didn’t pan out, or a tragedy either personal or national occurred. It can really weigh a girl down.

I think we all want to feel we can master our futures and turn the tough times into prosperous opportunities. The truth is, life will give us a hard path and many times we just do not know where it is taking us. Our need to control it and want everything to go smoothly can bring about a lot of fear and anxiety.

That, my friends, is no way to live.

So what are the things we can take charge of for the New Year?

We can nurture our self-worth

A lot of our insecurity comes from not trusting that we have something of value to bring to the others. In 2018, let’s let the unique gifts we ALL have shine through and have faith in them. So when that job interviewer is looking at your age, or your skin, or whatever, remember you are so worth their time and you are an asset to the world.

We can un-shamefully ask others for help

The often heard message of ‘doing-it-all’ and being a superman or woman is a dangerous one. People do not thrive in isolation. We lose a lot when we do not involve friends and colleagues in our personal and business lives. I have learned a tremendous amount by getting involved, networking and asking for assistance as needed. I am amazed at the kind, giving individuals I have met because of this.

We can get out of ourselves and help others

I worked on a big grant proposal this year that was fully funded to produce a documentary in 2018. It is a big deal, and the smart team that planned this project and will work on it next year got together recently to celebrate our good fortune. It felt so nice to get and give recognition. Take the moment – you earned it.

We can actually stop and celebrate our successes (of all sizes)

I worked on a big proposal this year that was just fully granted to produce a documentary in 2018. It is a big deal, and the smart team that planned this project and will work on it next year got together recently to celebrate our good fortune. It felt so nice to get and give recognition. Take the moment – you earned it.

These are just a few simple ideas. I would love to add yours. My parting words are ones I tell my sons and myself all the time – Don’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet. It changes nothing.

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