Aiming for Quantum Sales

Attendees at the Quantum Sales Summit, Jan 2018
Laine Torres Photography is a beloved client of mine and one of the sponsors for the Quantum Sales Summit (QSS) held on Jan 26th. Laine asked me to be part of her table team, freeing her for speaking commitments during the QSS program. The serendipitous part was that the sponsor tables were in the same room as the event so, I was gifted with the opportunity to hear all the speakers for the summit.
The QSS event was led by the dynamic Ursula Mentjes of Sales Coach Now, and she brought with her a number of entrepreneurs to talk about topics like The Power of Meaningful Marketing Conversations, The Messy Art of the Breakthrough, and my favorite - Strap on a Pair (note: there were shoes involved).
Ursula even took us through her Belief Zone Blueprint, which helps people get beyond their limiting beliefs in life as well as in business. For me, the most powerful sessions of the day were the 2 panels who shared their stories of learning from Ursula’s sales camp, and how they applied those lessons to their own businesses. These were people like you and me who had limiting beliefs of their own to overcome and did the work to make a big change in their business outcomes.
I will leave you with some words of wisdom I noted from the QSS presenters:
Courage is far more important than confidence
Re-center often
Regularly do things that make you say, “What the hell am I doing?”
Know the numbers that will get you to your sales goals and look at them regularly
Do consistent marketing
Show up to serve – not to sell
Create a file dedicated to things that bolster your spirit when you are feeling insecure
Learn to love your efforts, not the results of your efforts
If you like, you can learn more about upcoming Sales Camps here.