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Caught in the Act

And I know someone who wants to say thank-you.

It can feel like positive stories are in short supply. The news is full of sad events and conflicting opinions. To keep ourselves from being overwhelmed by it only takes a small act of kindness.

Once seen, given, or received, kindness is infectious.

I witnessed a trifecta of kindness that stays with me on my shakiest of days. It happened when I was standing in a long line outside at the 11 Wells Spirits Distillery in Saint Paul, MN. 11 Wells embodied kindness #1 of that day. They were offering FREE hand sanitizer to anyone who needed it. Their business had swiftly converted from making drinking alcohol to using alcohol to produce hand sanitizer when the COVID 19 crisis hit. Kudos for their quick and generous response. They sell their products in bulk and to individuals. Please support them.

So, as I was standing during what turned out to be a very sunny and pleasant afternoon, I watched the line grow and grow with appropriate social distancing between us. I think we all knew it might be a long wait, but we were grateful for the opportunity that brought us there.

That’s when kindness #2 occurred. I spotted a man leaving his precious place in line and going to his car! He reached in and pulled out a bag with a brand new mask in it. Then he trotted over to an elderly gentleman in line who had no mask and handed it to him while instructing him on how to use it. I have to admit my eyes welled up.

Kindness #3 was the people in line who smiled and motioned for the mask-giver to get back into line. No one even considered having him go to the end. His generosity was felt by all. I know I was a better person for witnessing it.

My own small act happened when I had been near the front of a long line to enter a grocery store and saw an elderly man approach and motioned for him to take my place. The people behind me saw this and backed up for me to stay near the front.

Pay-it-forward is a powerful thing.

Now, I have someone who wants to pay it forward to YOU and all you need do is to share a small story of your own. Kaari Allen is one of the kindest people I know. She is a talented learning specialist, speaker, and most recently author of “Where the Hell Did I Park My Life?! Owner’s Manual for Shifting Yourself Forward.”

Her humorous and supportive book has already helped many to practice self-love and change their patterns into more positive ones. One such reader wanted to give back in gratefulness for the changes she saw after reading and sharing the book. This anonymous giver purchased 10 of Kaari’s books and asked that Kaari give them away to others who may benefit.

Kaari would like you to share your story of kindness with her and she will send you a copy of her book with no strings attached (no solicitations or mailing lists). Your stories can be of kindness or appreciation, big or small, given by you, received by you, or witnessed by you. They can be brief so don’t feel you have to write an article, just let her know about your giving experience. (You can even gift the book to someone else if you are so inclined). And let Kaari know if it is okay to share your story – or anonymously is fine.

How to Submit

To be one of the first 10 people to share your positive story you can use this link.

Or you can email her directly at:

For more information, please read Kaari’s “We All Rise” blog:

Now, let’s try to put more positive messages of hope out there. I look forward to hearing your stories.

Be well! Susan

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